Studying in Holland is starting to become a viable alternative for British students looking to obtain a world-class education for a lower financial commitment. Average English university tuition fees of £8,400 per year, together with the extremely high entrance requirements required for British universities mean that many more students will decide to look elsewhere for their degree and we believe that universities in the Netherlands offer one of the best alternatives for the largest number of British students. aims to supply you with the information you need to answer the basic questions about Dutch higher education, how the application process works, which subjects are (and are not) taught in English, and what are the financial realities of studying in the Netherlands.
The Dutch higher education system is different to the British system. However, we believe that these differences mean that British students stand an excellent chance of finding a suitable course for them at a Dutch higher education institution.
We are always happy to provide advice and support to you and your students about Dutch universities and the day-to-day reality of being a British student in Holland. If you would like us to come and speak to your students and/or parents about Dutch higher education please request a presentation and we will try to visit you on one of our regular tours of the country.