Gabrielle Greenwood

University: Breda University of Applied Sciences
Course: Tourism Management
Year: 3rd year
Home Town in the UK: Essex
1. Why did you choose to study abroad?
I wanted to see the world and Breda University of Applied Sciences offers a great programme that allows young students to do so. I've already been on a field trip to Asia and will soon be travelling to the capital of Iceland for a 6 month internship. Furthermore I wanted to study in an international atmosphere which is offered in many cities across the Netherlands.
2. How would you rate the assistance of the university before you arrived (the application process, finding accommodation, sorting out financial matters)?
BUas has a very good system for these matters. The International Office was at hand whenever I had questions during the application process. Furthermore the university found me an affordable accommodation during my first year of studying abroad.
3. How would you rate the assistance of the university when you arrived (orientation etc)?
The assistance of the university when I arrived was very satisfactory. They helped out with signing up at the municipality, signing the contract for my housing; moreover BUas gave me useful documents that helped when needing to open a Dutch bank account, getting a phone contract etc.
4. Did you feel prepared when you arrived and/or what surprised you?
I felt prepared when I arrived. The Dutch are relatively different to the British, but the culture is easy to adapt to; most of the Dutch speak a good level of English so language is never problem.
5. How would you rate the learning environment (teaching style, studying with other international students, non-native English speaking lecturers)?
Of course, the learning environment is not the same as in England when surrounded by native speakers, however being in an international environment means that students gain even more experience from different cultures and a different perspective on things through interaction with other students. The classes here are small which means that there is more interaction between lecturers and students, making things casual, comfortable and help is at hand whenever needed.
6. Would you recommend studying abroad to a 17-18 year old Brit who might never have thought about it before?
Definitely, although it might seem like a big step, you can grow so much as an individual when studying abroad; get a whole new view on things, meet so many amazing people and travel around the world!
7. Is there anything you wish someone had told you at the time you applied?
8. Would you recommend your course, university, city to British students?
Definitely, for people that want to see the world it's a great opportunity to learn in an international environment and have opportunities travel at the same time.